Wednesday October 23 2024


Importation of your car under the Chocolate Program
  Mexico is making it easy to import your older (2016+) NAFTA manufactured car or light truck. By popular demand the program has been extended through March 31, 2023. Do no hesitate,...
9 Safety Tips When Driving in Mexico
Driving in Mexico can be an enriching experience if you know the rules of the road. These are slightly different from the US in that there are cultural disparities in the way drivers act. There are...
Driving rain soaked roads in Baja following a tropical cyclone
Although Gray Grahams's road report from June of 2013 is more than a little outdated, what he has to say about qualifying your source of your Baja information remains timeless...As Gary wrote: After...
Military checkpoints along Baja's Highway 1 occur at several permanent and temporary locations
There are a few things you should understand about the military checkpoints in Baja before you begin a road trip on Mex 1.The first is: Their purpose is to capture the bad guys involved in drug...
Baja is the #1 destination for RV travelers outside the US.
The infamous Transpeninsular, Baja highway, Mex 1, has come a long way from its much heralded beginnings in 1973, a narrow thousand-mile long ribbon of asphalt with no shoulders, few pullouts, a...
Beachside Handicapped Parking - The fine is $7000 pesos and your US sticker doesn't count
Baja California Sur has begun to crack down on traffic offences. The latest welcome addition to the revenue source for the city is the heavy fine levied on those that park in the blue marked handicap...
Military Checkpoint 600 meters ahead
 Road checkpoints in Mexico are a familiar sight, installed in response to the rising cartel presence in the country. They have been put there mostly to look for guns, drugs and evidence of...
Importing Your Car into Mexico can be a tricky proposition
By law, any vehicale in Mexico more than 180 days should be imported and registered in the appropriate Mexican state. Importing US vehicales is part of the NAFTA agreement, but Mexico limits the age...
Map of the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico
The Baja California peninsula is in northwestern Mexico. Its land mass separates the Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California / Sea of Cortez. The Baja California Peninsula extends 1,247...
I have lived here in Cabo for over 2 years and brought down my 2008 Ford PU with the 6.4 diesel. Without getting too technical I would like to talk about the affects the Mexican diesel has on the new...
City to City maileage chart for driving the Baja California peninsula
A point to point mileage chart for cities and towns along Mexico's Highway 1 down the the Baja California peninsula.
Driving infractions in Mexico have become more serious
Driving in the Baja peninsula of Mexico has changed a lot over the last two decades I've been here. Baja's Highway 1 has improved dramatically, with smoother pavement, nearly every arroyo now bridged...

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