Thursday September 12 2024

Posted by on May 05, 2011

I have lived here in Cabo for over 2 years and brought down my 2008 Ford PU with the 6.4 diesel. Without getting too technical I would like to talk about the affects the Mexican diesel has on the new American trucks that use strictly Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel. I had heard rumors that you should not use Mexican diesel for any long periods of time because it will clog up all the smog devices the Trucks have, such as the Catalytic converter, Diesel Particle Filter, EGR & Exhaust Back Pressure Valve. How did I learn about all these terms?

Last year in 2011 after living here for a little over 1 year my wife & I drove back up to California. My truck had been running just fine with all stock products on the truck and an extended warranty ( thank God) on my truck. The drive all up to the Border was with out any problems. Just as we were getting in line at Tijuana to cross over the border my truck starts sputtering!!! And I was just barely able to cross over the border and pull off the highway at San Ysidro Exit and called the tow service.

I was towed into a Ford Dealership and was told that there were several codes showing that the Diesel Particle Filter, EGR, Catalytic Converter and several other codes were coming up. It took them over a week to fix my truck and I did not mention that I was living in Mexico otherwise it would void the warranty.

After this incident I had become increasing paranoid about using Mexican Diesel in my truck and knew it was just a matter of time until this problem would arise again. And it did just a few months ago as the truck started sputtering again as I was planning another trip up to Calif. I made it up to the Ford Dealership close to my house and dropped it off to be fixed. This time it was a clogged Exhaust Back Pressure Valve (all part of the smog control) So I started searching the Internet for answers and low & behold several people had this problem and the only way to fix it is to remove all the smog control on the truck and add a computer chip to tune or program the truck to run correctly. I purchased the brand H&S Mini Max Tuner and a DPF & Cat Delete kit that replaces the original tail pipe. Now with these products it unfortunately voids your warranty but this was the only solution.

As for the affects on the engine I now have increased mileage almost 50% more and additional horsepower up to 100 HP …unbelievable !
The truck now can also use biodiesel which is what my next project is going to be : making my own biodiesel from used vegetable oil, methanol & a small amount of lye !!! for just pennies on the gallon

Gary Kaufman

Los Cabos Home Inspections





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