Tuesday September 10 2024

Mother's Day in Mexico
 In Mexico, Mothers Day is always celebrated on May 10 as opposed to the Mothers Day in the US that fall on the second Sunday in the month of May. Mothers Day in Mexico is celebrated in a...
Cinco de Mayo celebrations are more common in the US southwest
5th of May or "Cinco de Mayo" as it is said in Spanish is a national holiday in Mexico and is celebrated widely in the U.S. as well, but it is not Mexico’s day of Independence which is the 16th of...
May Day in Mexico
May 1st in Mexico is celebrated as International Labor Day. While many countries celebrate May 1st in many ways including the old “Maypole” ceremony here in Mexico it is a day of rest for the workers...
Hernán Cortés had a fearsome reputation with both the Indians and fellow Spaniards
Each year the City of La Paz, Baja California Sur, celebrates its founding by the famous (or infamous) explorer Hernan Cortez on May 3, 1535. But La Paz hasn't always been the capital of Baja...

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