Wednesday September 11 2024

Posted by on July 06, 2020
  • Hibiscus Tea Baja Style
    Hibiscus Tea Baja Style

Here is a recipe for Hibiscus Tea Baja Style. The Mexican beverages known as Aguas Frescas are an inspiring complement to Mexico's cuisine. They're wonderfully unique and refreshing, plus they provide a perfect balance to the spiciness of the food.

Huge glass containers of Aguas Frescas can be found at street stands all over Mexico, usually featuring whatever fruits are currently in season. Super healthy and oh-so-simple to make, these drinks only require three essential ingredients: fruit, water, and sugar. How much easier can it get than that?

Dried hibiscus flowers, known in Mexico as Jamaica (pronounced hah-MIKE-ah) are used to make this refreshing, delicious drink. I make a jug full at least twice a week. Actually, there is a glass of it on my desk now. A former iced tea junkie, I am now hooked on Jamaica! It’s a mild, natural diuretic, so here in Mexico, it is often used to combat high blood pressure. Makes about a half-gallon.

1 cup dried Jamaica flowers

4 cups of water

1/3 cups sugar (sugar substitute can be used) or to taste

4 cups ice

Rinse and drain the hibiscus flowers in a colander. In a large saucepan, bring four quarts of water to a boil. Add hibiscus flowers and sugar. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for approximately 15 minutes. The mixture will be dark red.

Remove from heat. Strain thoroughly, discarding all remaining flower petals. Pour into an ice-filled pitcher and stir. Chill thoroughly before serving in tall, ice-filled glasses.

From: Cooking with Baja Magic Dos - Mexican Recipes by Author Ann Hazard

These are featured in Ann Hazard’s book, Cooking With Baja Magic Dos. The cookbook has over 60 new recipes with corresponding stories and all-new art. Whether or not you have Ann’s original cookbook, you will want a copy of Baja Magic Dos! For more information on Ann and her Baja books, visit her Facebook page below or order her book from

Cooking with Baja Magic Dos / Ann Hazarad


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