Sunday September 08 2024

Posted by on February 02, 2010
  • Accessing information online
    Accessing information online

These are just some of the major Mexican Federal government web sites that are available to the public. In most of the official web sites generally they list the respective offices for Baja California and its cities.

We have provided these for those that are interested in doing business in Mexico as well as purchasing and or developing property in Baja. A few of these Mexican Government websites do have English pages available or you may make use of the translations services offered on the Internet.

Please feel free to send us any other Mexican government sites or request for sites that you are interested in knowing more about. (click here)

Mexican governmental departments, their descriptions and website links

Aduana de Mexico

Customs office of Mexico. This federal office is a sub-divison of S.A.T.( Secretaria de Administración y Tributaria) and is in charge of all concerning the importation and exportation of goods in and out of Mexico.


Comisión Nacional del Agua

Federal Water Commission. Where to obtain and check on water and well permits in office of the respective area you are interested in.


Centro Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CENADEH)

Department for Human Rights



Federal department for the development of tourism


Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

Federal office that oversees worker compensation and payments of social security here in Mexico.


Instituto Nacional de Migracion

Mexico’s National office of Immigration. This is where you go to obtain tourist cards to resident permits and work visas.


El Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)

INEGI is a part of Hacienda in charge of Census, Geographic and Demographic data and Maps. If you are interested in obtaining topographic maps or aerial photos of an area these are people that have them or can order them for you.


Procuraduría General de la Republica

This is the Mexican Government office in charge of the Federal laws, constitution and judges. It is similar to the District Attorney’s office in the United States of America.


Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor,

This Mexican government office is in charge of weights and balances and alos acts as a consumer advocacy group and mediation for all kinds of disputes.


PROFEPA. La Ley al Servicio de la Naturaleza México

This is Mexico’s Federal agency in charge of the environment. You may need to check with these people and obtain permits before developing your properties.


Secretaría de Economía.

Mexico’s Federal agency in charge of economics and foreign investment. This is where you must register your foreign investments, fideicomisos and your corporations to be completely legal as well as to be able to take out your original investment without paying taxes on it.



Now known as only S.E. (see the description above)


Secretaría de Turismo

The main Federal Mexican office concerning all kinds of tourism, permits, statistics and regulations.


Secretaria de Desarrollo Social

Mexico’s Office of Social and Rural Development.

Consults citizens concerning social and rural developments.


Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación.

Government department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Rural development and Foods.


Secretaría de Gobernación

Secretary of Government of Mexico concerned with public security, immigration, religon, refugies,
democracy, human rights, civil protection and produces the Diario (daily) changes in Mexico’s laws.


Secretaría de Marina

Secretary of Marine. Mexico’s’ overall federal office concerning maritime laws, marinas, Port captains, marine education, safety and the Navy.


Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Secreatry of natural resources, ambiance, and geographic statistics.


Secretaría de Energía

Secretary of Energy, which overseas all kinas of energy, production, investment and alternative energies.


Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público

Mexico’s equivalent to the United States Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.). This is where you obtain your tax identification number known as a R.F.C and pay our income and corporate taxes.


Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Servicios a la Justicia SNSP

Secretary’s office responsible for the security of all in Mexico, the legal system telecommunications for the national information system including the Federal emergency numbers like 066.


Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Mexico’s Secretary of Exterior Relations

The Federal office in charge of issuing Mexican passports. This is also where foreigners may apply to naturalize as Mexican citizens.


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